Through this original interactive project, the very history of modern Greece is revived. Even from the pre-revolutionary years, Gortynia was a bastion of knowledge and a field of action for important people who marked the history of the place and led the country to its final liberation from the Turkish occupation. This history is presented and maintained through the portal.
A holy, historical and enchantingly wonderful place. Surrounded by unique natural beauty, forests, mountains, rivers and picturesque villages that illustrate history, Gortynia offers unique and unforgettable experiences to its visitors in all seasons of the year.
The legendary Paloumpa with the Plapoutas family who started the revolution in Gortynia, the wonderful Lagkadia with the Deligiannis family, who gave their life and property for the liberation, the famous Dimitsana that offered knowledge and war material to the fight, the picturesque Stemnitsa, a favorite village of Kolokotronis. Every place of Gortynia has a wonderful story to share about the Revolution of 1821.

For the implementation of the action “Gortynia – Places and people of the Revolution of 1821 through digital media technologies”, the Municipality of Gortynia utilized resources from the “Antonis Tritsis” Development and Solidarity Program for Local Government.

Ιερά Μονή Ζωοδόχου Πηγής Στεμνίτσας
Το γραφικό και ιστορικό χωριό της Δημητσάνας αποτελεί βασικό θεματοφύλακα ιστορικών και λαογραφικών παραδόσεων του ελληνικού γένους. Στη βιβλιοθήκη της, εκτός από τα εμπλουτισμένα με 35.000 τόμους βιβλίων ράφια.
Αρχοντικό των Δεληγιανναίων
Το οίκημα δεσπόζει στον Πάνω Μαχαλά του ιστορικού χωριού Λαγκάδια, το οποίο, εκτός από σημαντικούς χτίστες, χάρισε στην Ελλάδα την περίφημη οικογένεια των Δεληγιανναίων, προεστών του Μοριά πριν από την Επανάσταση. Από την οικογένεια Δεληγιάννη προήλθαν και δύο Πρωθυπουργοί στα χρόνια μετά την απελευθέρωση.
Dimitsana Historic Public Library
The picturesque and historical village of Dimitsana is a key depository of historical and folklore traditions of the Greek nation. In its library, apart from the shelves enriched with 35,000 volumes of books, the visitor can also admire important relics and memorabilia from various moments of the glorious past.

We honor our ancestors who sacrificed their lives and fought for the ideals of the country and freedom.
It is our duty to pass on this historical knowledge and the rich tradition that Gortynia has to the next generations. With the technology offered by modern media, we keep the history of our country alive.